As a called, Spirit-led Christian coach:
God gave you the vision. 🙌🏾
You know it, without a doubt.
By faith, you created the online coaching business. You created your amazing, life-changing offers.
You're doing the things.
But seemingly, you've now hit a bump in the road...
There's something bothering you about your marketing.
There's something bothering you about your business.
...And you can't get it out of your mind.
It's grating on you.
You think about it nearly every day.
Is anything coming to mind now, specifically?
There are *a few things* that are on your mind as it relates to marketing and/or business.
And they are grinding on your gears.
They're on your mind, *frequently*.
Either way...
You're absolutely done with being confused. You need strategy, teaching, coaching, guidance, insights, and practical steps.
You know that God is ordering your steps, leading you to the right coach to receive this help from.
You're so ready for strategy, teaching, coaching, guidance, insights, and practical steps right now, and 100% know a coach will help you to experience more freedom, more peace, and success sooner rather than later.
You know the immense value of having a coach who can help you, in your corner.
Sounds just like you?
Hi, I can help. 😊
I have a Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree in Media and Communication, 5 years of professional marketing experience, and I started being in business in 2017.
In business...
I have had paid Facebook and Instagram ads that run daily, ever-expanding my work's reach.
Hundreds of people have downloaded my freebies.
I have received enquiries regarding my work.
I've had course sales.
I've had digital product sales too.
I know how to write content in a stand-out way.
Marketing automation is a passion of mine and is even fun for me.
I've blogged, have my own podcast.
Email marketing? I LOVE.
Sales pages and websites, also strong interests of mine.
I'm a proud marketing nerd. 👑
I see marketing + business differently too.
I see things from a God-centric, biblically focused, Spirit-led way as a Marketing Systems and Online Business Coach.
(I have A LOT of strong — perhaps sometimes slightly controversial 🤣 — beliefs on being a female Christian coach in the online space, that you can listen to right now via my podcast, She Is Called To Freedom™).
I know I've been called by God to help Christian women who are Spirit-led online coaches with a BIG mission on their heart.
And that's exciting to me.
Here's how we can work together:
I have personalised, transformative one-to-one Telegram packages for 1, 2, 4, and 12 months.
1️⃣ In my 1, 2, and 4- month packages, you can receive strategy, teaching, coaching, guidance, insights, and practical steps from me for ONE marketing or business issue.
2️⃣ In my 12-month package, you will get help on THREE issues *and* get unlimited + lifetime access to some of my courses + digital products!
If one of these packages is for you, I believe the Holy Spirit will highlight the right one for you.
Remember ⬇️⬇️⬇️
God knows whether someone's knowledge, expertise, experience, and unique spin is *exactly* what you need in the here and now, on your unique path.
God knows whether an offer or opportunity isn't for you, or isn't what you need.
God knows whether you need to make a certain move in business or not.
As you know, God knows all and sees all.
Sure, if you happen to make the wrong choice, all things work out for your good.
...But don't you want to get it right the first time?
I know that I want to save my time, my energy, and the resources that God blesses me with.
I want to steward these things correctly.
That’s why I always make it a point to seek the Lord in regards to the direction I need to take next in business.
Check out what James 1:5-6 tells us.
I don’t lean on my own understanding. The final say lies with God.
I don't rely on what I think I can or cannot see to help me make the final decision as to whether I'll make a certain move in business or not.
I don't put my trust in a person nor a service, I put my trust in God.
When I put my confidence in the Lord, and act on what God says, I know I’m in good hands.
I’m safe.
I’m continuing to steadily travel along the path that God has set for me.
Remember —
God has a plan for the business that you were called by Him to have.
Trust God. Always.
Spots are very limited.
Specifically reserved for the women who KNOW that God is telling them that I am the coach for them and who are ready to get started now.
Click a button below for all the details you need + the application to apply for your spot immediately!